Sunday, April 5, 2009

Immortality (or not)

My closest dearest oldest most cherished friend died on Mar 11. I've been thinking about death, dying, mourning, love and loss since then.
Do you suppose we like to believe in life after death in order to turn our "good-bye" into a "see ya later" ?
It's comforting to believe that she's waiting for me "on the other side" but I gotta say, a part of me is wondering if that's just a load of crap.
We had some notice that she was soon to go; I should've asked her to find a way to give me a sign from the other side.
I've never had anyone close to me die before. It sucks beyond description. What a bizarre experience, this born-live-die thing. Pointless. Suffering when you're born, life is not exactly a joy-ride (no matter who you are), and then you die, leaving a tsunami of grief behind you.
Never being good at 'good-bye', I can feel myself pulling away from people. We are all headed there, aren't we? Either the dead or the grieving. Not much to look forward to.
Lori, I miss you like hell.

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